Deconvolution of heterogeneous bulk tumor samples into distinct cell populations is an important yet challenging problem, particularly when only partial references are available. Here we developed PREDE, a partial reference deconvolution method based on iterative non-negative Matrix Factorization.
## load data of lung cancer cell lines and select a number of cell lines as references
W <- lung_exp[,1:6]
## generate bulk data using cell lines as reference
bulk <- generate_bulk(W,nSample =100,csd = 0.1)
## select top features in terms of coefficient of variation (cv)
feat <- select_feature(mat = bulk$Y,method = "cv",nmarker = 1000,startn = 0)
## determine the total number of cell types by AIC, by specifying only partial reference W1
OptimalK <- GetCelltypeNum(bulk$Y[feat,],W=NULL,W1=W[feat,1:4],maxK = 10)
plot(5:10,OptimalK$AIC, col="red",xlab="Number of total cell types",
ylab = "AIC",lwd = 1,type = 'b',main = "AIC")
abline(v = 6,lwd = 2,lty = 2,col = "gray")
## the optimal value of K with the lowest AIC
## Run PREDE with the optimal value of K
pred <- PREDE(bulk$Y[feat,],W1=W[feat,1:4],type = "GE",K=OptimalK$K,iters = 100,rssDiffStop=1e-5)
## Correlation in expression profiles between true and predicted cell types
The first four columns are four input known cell types. The last two columns are the predicted new cell types 1 and 2, which should be corresponding to cell lines 'CALU6_LUNG' and 'CORL105_LUNG' respectively.
## plot the accuracies for profile and proportion estimation
par(mar = c(3.5, 3, 1.6, 1.1), mgp = c(1.9, 0.5, 0),mfrow = c(2,2))
plot(W[feat,'CALU6_LUNG'],pred$W[,"1"],xlab = "True expression profile",pch = 19,col="#00000050",ylab = "Predicted expression profile",main = "CALU6")
plot(bulk$H[5,],pred$H["1",],xlab = "True proportion",pch = 3,col="red",ylab = "Predicted proportion",main = "CALU6")
plot(W[feat,'CORL105_LUNG'],pred$W[,"2"],xlab = "True expression profile",pch = 19,col="#00000050",ylab = "Predicted expression profile",main = "CORL105")
plot(bulk$H[6,],pred$H["2",],xlab = "True proportion",pch = 3,col="red",ylab = "Predicted proportion",main = "CORL105")